2024, T3Wk2, Kilcoy State School Newsletter
Acknowledgment of Country
This newsletter comes to you from Jinibara Land. In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples today. We are thankful to be able to work, learn and play on Jinibara land.
KSS Vision & Values
"We believe that all members of the Kilcoy State School community have the right to work, learn and play in a safe and inclusive environment."
Our STAR values are:
SAFETY - Taking Responsibility - Active Learning - Respect
Principal's welcome
Dear Parents and Carers
In order to streamline our permission and payment processes, Kilcoy State School uses the QParents app. We ask all parents to register for QParents. It offers a convenient, safe and private app to help parents & caregivers manage important details of their children's journey. You will need your school invitation code to start your registration process, and this has already been emailed to parents registered in OneSchool. You are very welcome to contact the office on 5422 3333 to request this again, if you can't find it.
You can sign up here if you haven't already: https://qparents.qld.edu.au/#/landing
The 'Being Brave' performance incursion for all Yr3-6 student is coming up quickly on 30/7/24 and the $7 payment is now due. Permission is provided by the QParents app as well. You can also pay by QKR, however you will still need to provide formal permission via the QParents app.
Our next P&C Meeting is on Wed 7/8 at 3.30pm in the Resource Centre and we will be reviewing our school progress against our 2024 Annual Improvement Plan. We encourage all parents to attend, particularly if you haven't ever before. The P&C represents your voice in the direction and support of our school and we urgently need more parents to participate. We can share the load by having more parents join in.
Notes and Reminders:
- You are invited to attend our next Parade in the school hall: Thursday 1st August
-Mrs Nash.
KSS School Beanies
Due to the popularity of beanies and need for extra warmth at school in winter, we have now included a KSS Beanie in our school uniform! They are available for purchase at the tuckshop during uniform shop hours (Tuesday 8:15-9:15am) or via the QKR app. Grab one today for only $15, limited time only. Please remember that the beanies do not replace the requirement for a school hat, these are intended for warmth. You can still purchase a school hat via the QKR App. As an additional free service, we will then write your child's name in the hat and deliver it to your child's classroom.
If your child will be absent, please make sure you call the absence line on (07) 5422 3366 to let us know why they are away so that it can be recorded accurately.
Our goal is for every child to be in attendance, every day.
Deputy Principal: Mrs Webster
One of the joys of working in a primary school is how willing students are to tell you what is happening at home. Recently I had a conversation with a student in year 2, who told me all about the new car his parents want to purchase. The boy went into much detail and used vocabulary that was unfamiliar to me - I have never been interested in cars. They just need to be reliable, airconditioned, and have a large boot! So, when this child told me about the specifics of the car, I was impressed.
It reminded me that if parents and adults talk to students and engage in conversations, it builds their knowledge and ability to access literacy more readily. Reading success is founded in strong oral language competency. A great deal of research has demonstrated strong links between early oral language skills and subsequent literacy achievements. 'How did she get from cars to reading?' I hear you wondering. This year 2 student could well-likely have more of a chance of reading a book about cars than I do, because he has already been exposed to the vocabulary and specifics of cars. Just as being exposed to language-rich environments is important for the development of oral language abilities, literacy-rich environments provide children with opportunities to learn about, interact with, and experiment with print. What is a literacy-rich environment? We cannot rely on oral language alone to expose students to new vocabulary and sentence structures. Daily reading of a variety of texts will support this.
What can you do as a parent/carer?
- Talk to your child. Involve your child in conversations.
- Read to your children daily. 5 - 10 minutes is sufficient.
Curriculum update
Students in years 5/6 are learning to transform poems into narratives. Using the poem, 'The Man From Ironbark' by AB Peterson, students in 5/6B shared their work with me this week. Please enjoy reading their first drafts below:
As 'The Man from Ironbark' fixed himself up, he approached a barber shop. He eased himself into the brown, leather chair. A barber with slick, brown hair and a red striped shirt approached him. Four men with moustaches and suits snickered as the barber announced, "Here's a lark," and gave them a wink.
The barber smeared fluffy soap all over the man's face. He stuck the razor in the boiling water until the metal turned red. He pretended to cut the man from Ironbark's throat.
"Oh my! I've slit your throat!" said the barber, with a grin.
The man stood up and clenched his throat. "You've killed me you dog. I'm beat. One swing before I go!" He punches the barber in the jaw and knocked him out. He begins to throw bottles, soap and began smashing mirrors.
AVA 5/6B
The man from Ironbark sat in the old chair of the barber, who had a huge cigar burning the hairs of his lone moustache. A strike-your-fancy-sash adorned his little neck and covered his striped shirt and braces. He shaved the bushman's chin with his cutthroat razor sharp as the gaze of the man from Ironbark's shearing clippers. He whispered to the gilded youths on the nearest wall.
'Before long this bloomin' yokel will think his throat is bloomin' cut.' And he winked with his dexter eyelid shut.
Then he lifted his razor high and slashed the razor across the victim's throat. A second passed while the man from Ironbark realised what had happened. Then he jumped up and yelled as loud as a herd of stampeding buffalos and covered the lividest mark on his throat. With one punch to the jaw, the barber was knocked out cold and set to work on the place. He destroyed the room from wall to wall and picked the gilded youth closest to him and shook him as hard as the man from Ironbark could in an effort to break his neck as the door swung open.
Year 3/4 Students are reading the novel, 'Nim's Island' by Wendy Orr. They have a reading comprehension and will create a multimodal narrative about overcoming a fear. Some of their work is attached in the photos below.
-Mrs Webster
Term 3 Events
Being Brave Incursion - Yr3-6 30/7/24 | 30/7 at 1.50pm. Permission and payment through QParents app. |
Colour Fun Run 31/7/24 | P&C run fundraiser, 31/7 1.30pm to 3pm. Spare clothes are needed if your child is going on the bus, or to an afterschool care service. |
Speed Soccer - Yr4-6 8/8/24 | 8/8 Thursday, Wk5. Limited tickets available for purchase through QKR App |
'Show' Holiday | Monday 12/8 - PUBLIC HOLIDAY, no school today. |
Science Week 13/8 to 167/8 | Internal Science Events |
National Week of Action Against Bullying 12/8 to 16/8 | Join us in talking openly about the impact of bullying and learn about how we need to work together by being Upstanders, not Bystanders. Together we are stronger. |
Explore Prep Session #2 | Thursday 15/8/24 9.45 to 10.45. Students and Parents asked to attend. |
Book Week 19/8 to 23/8 | Character Parade 22/8 and Book Fair visits |
Wk8 Student free Day 30/8/24 | Student Free Day, staff professional development |
Week 8: Fathers Day Stall | Dates to be confirmed |
Open Classroom Learning Celebration | Thursday 5/9/24 - 2.15-3pm |
Valley Champs Netball and NRL day. 11/9/24 | Year 3-6 Students. |
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
Our Term 3 focus is: Active Learning
Active learners are characterised by their engagement and willingness to take responsibility for their own learning. They actively participate in the learning process and think critically about the material they are studying. Active learning also involves higher-order processing and critical thinking skills, which help students expand their knowledge and develop cognitive and social-emotional skills.
Active learners are curious and have the ability to identify gaps in their knowledge, actively seeking out missing information. They are also inclined to explore and ask questions, demonstrating a desire to learn and improve their understanding.
Active learners are motivated, engaged, and take an active role in their own learning process, leading to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
In the third column below, you can see what our school-wide positive behaviour expectations are for students, in order for them to be Active Learners.
Inclusion Support
At Kilcoy State School, we are committed to providing an inclusive educational environment where every student can thrive. A key part of our commitment is our adherence to the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD).
Part of my role as the Inclusion Support Teacher is to assist teachers to make professional judgments on how they can create accessible learning environments and adjust the curriculum for their students. I have been reflecting during this process and wanted to share with the community some thoughts on why I appreciate working within this framework.
The NCCD benefits Kilcoy State School by:
- Identifying Needs- helping to highlight the students who require additional support and the type of adjustments they need.
- Resource Allocation- informing our resource allocation, ensuring that we can direct appropriate resources to support students.
- Accountability: holding us accountable to national standards, ensuring that our practices align with best practices for inclusive education.
- Continuous Improvement: allowing us to continually evaluate and improve our inclusion strategies, making sure that we are meeting the evolving needs of our students.
I thoroughly enjoy working with teachers to bring to light all the hard work that is demonstrated daily here at Kilcoy State School as we create inclusive environments for all students. We have a truly wonderful team of Inclusive teachers, and I am so proud to be a part of this school community.
-Mrs Harriet McVeigh, Inclusion Support Teacher.
P&C News
Hello parents and Caregivers and welcome to term 3!
This term is off to a bang with our Colour Fun Run event. On the 31st of July, we have our epic colour fun run down on the school oval. The event kicks off at 1.30pm and you're all invited to come and watch the kids run around the course and get coloured.
We have currently raised $3368 so be sure to continue fundraising as there are some great prizes to choose from. If you haven’t done so already, remember to create your child’s profile.
Please use the link below: https://app.schoolfundraising.com.au/users/sign_in
Every child who receives a donation of $10 and over will receive a free burger for first break lunch AND all students who raise $100 or more go into various random draws for prizes! We have some amazing incentives happening for the lead up to the colour run;
- The popular VIP tents – The class who receives the highest amount of funding from the junior school and the senior school will each be treated to VIP status for the duration of the event – this includes a VIP goodie bag and seating in the VIP tents
- Slime a teacher – Every $3000 we raise, a nominated teacher gets selected from the ‘hat’
- Goodie bags for the 3 highest fundraising students in the school
It’s all a bit of fun and every little bit helps to keep supporting and progressing our school with the funds we raise.
Warm up this winter with our new KSS Beanies! They are available for purchase at the tuckshop during uniform shop hours (Tuesday 8:15-9:15am) or via the QKR app. Grab one today for only $15, limited time only.
Our next P&C Meeting on August 7 at 3.30pm in the KSS Library. We hope to see you there
-The P&C Committee