School Newsletter 2023, Term 2, Week 4
Acknowledgment of Country
Kilcoy State School Vision & Values
Principal's News: Belinda Nash
Deputy Principal's News: Lisa Webster
Craft Club & LEGO Club
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
Have your say on road and footpath safety
STLaN Update
Inclusion Support
Sports News
Parents & Citizens Association
Yarraman & District Progress Association 'Show and Shine' Day
Acknowledgment of Country
This newsletter comes to you from Jinibara Land. In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples today. We are thankful to be able to work, learn and play on Jinibara land.
Kilcoy State School Vision & Values
Our school vision:
"We believe that all members of the Kilcoy State School community have the right to work, learn and play in a safe and inclusive environment."
Our STAR values are:
Safety - Taking Responsibility - Active Learning - Respect
Principal's News: Belinda Nash
Dear Parents and Carers
This week, our P&C Team held a Mother's and Special Friends Day Stall for students to purchase a small gift for their loved one. There were many happy faces leaving with gifts and cards. Thank you to the P&C for providing each student with a gift/bag and for coordinating this opportunity for our students. Our P&C Volunteers were integral in the success of this happy event for kids.
Parades: As previously advertised, our Parades are now on every second Thursday afternoon, on even weeks. Parents and Carers are invited to join us from 3.15pm in the hall. This week (11/5), our Instrumental Music Band performed and our highest fundraisers from the Slime Run were recognised and awarded. We also had our Student of the Week awards. Our next parade will be in Week 6 on Thursday 25/5/23 at 2.20pm.
Annual Improvement Plan: Currently, our teachers are working collaboratively to review our T1 student data to identify students who are not progressing as expected. This information supports us to make decisions on where to provide more refined support. Support can be accessed in many different ways including the following non-exhaustive list:
- Differentiation in class, small focus groups, marker students, in class intervention lessons, withdrawal intervention lessons, access to specialist advisory visiting teachers, Guidance Offer support, Speech pathologist programs, access to in school support by private NDIS workers (where possible), referrals to our Student Support Team. Our school also accesses support and guidance from our Assistant Regional Director, and Regional Principal advisors in many different areas including Autism, Positive Behaviour for Learning, EAL/D and Inclusion.
Parents and Carers will always be the most important link, for without your support, progress is harder to achieve. By working together, we can achieve so much more for your child. If you have any concerns about your child's progress, you are encouraged to make contact with your child's teacher to learn more about how you might also be able to help at home. As your child's first teacher, parents and carers are a wonderful resource for learning. If what we do at school is reflected at home, your child has a greater chance of success.
Attendance: Our current attendance rate is 90.2% however our goal is 95%.
If your child will be absent, please make sure you call the absence line on (07) 5422 3366 to let us know why they are away so that it can be recorded accurately.
*Year 5 students currently have the best attendance rate at 92.62%
Staffing update: Mrs Roy has kindly agreed to stay on in 3/4A until the end of term as Mrs Byrne remains on leave. Recently we found out that the Army has offered Ms Megan Dodds a wonderful job opportunity, recognising her amazing skills in music. Please join me in congratulating Ms Dodds. While we are very disappointed to see her leave, we wish Ms Dodds well in this role and thank her for her commitment to upgrading our IM program. We are in a great place for another wonderful IM teacher to take over from Term 3. Ms Dodds will be on leave from Week 8.
Community engagement & collaboration: Recently, I met with Mrs Hazel Briggs and Mr Matt Robinson from Kilcoy Global Foods, to accept their generous offer to donate five KGF laptops for our students to use. These laptops will be included in our suite of technology access for students. We love the community minded nature of Kilcoy Global Foods and look forward to continuing our long and positive relationship with them.
Kind regards, Mrs Nash.
Deputy Principal's News: Lisa Webster
The final week of Term 2 has provided students and staff with multiple opportunities to celebrate our wonderful school community.
Curriculum Teaching and Learning - Staff have been busy writing reports, planning curriculum for Term 3 and moderating student assessment and folios of student work. The staff at Kilcoy State School are committed to ensuring all students have access to the curriculum.
Under 8s Day was held last Friday. Whilst the students were busy making craft activities, flying foam planes, sitting in emergency vehicles, viewing surf life saving equipment and getting their faces painted, the overall feeling of the day was a very calm one. Students, adults and community members were content and happy. Thank you to the P- 2 teachers and support staff for ensuring a happy celebration of U8s students. Thank you also to the children of Mount Kilcoy State School, NCC Early Learners, Kindy and Play to Learn for joining our Early Year Celebrations.
Our 2 days of Athletics Carnival resulted in a win for Mackenzie House, but the real winner was the school community. The students ran and jumped their hearts out! They congratulated and supported each other. The staff, lead by Mrs Smith, worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth athletics carnival. Congratulations to our school and community.
Mrs Webster - Deputy Principal.
Craft Club & LEGO Club
Mrs Maguire has started Craft Club and Mrs McCarron has started LEGO Club this term. Please talk about these fun and friendly play options with your children if they are wondering what to do at lunchtime. These are also great places to make new friends.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
Currently our PBL Team are finalising our Positive Behaviour for Learning- Matrix of Expected Behaviours. This will detail the student behaviours our community has collaboratively identified as expectations in our school. By explicitly teaching these expectations, we reinforce the understanding and commitment of our students. We thank the Admin, teachers, teacher aides, facilities staff, P&C members, parents and students who have contributed to the development of this information.
We are pleased to have a document guiding us that is representative of our community views. As our Kilcoy Code of Conduct is updated, these changes will be reflected and documented on our website.
-The Kilcoy State School PBL Team
Have your say on road and footpath safety
Somerset Regional Council want to know where better footpaths and crossings are needed to make it safer and easier to walk around Kilcoy. Complete the survey to let Council know what’s needed, so that kids can get safely to school and other places they need to go around Kilcoy.
Use the link below to complete the survey.
STLaN Update
STLaN Update
It was a very exciting afternoon in the Prep B classroom when Year 3A came to visit.
This term the Preps have been learning to talk about imaginative stories. Last Friday, Year 3A students were thrilled to be invited into the Prep classroom to talk about the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Year 3 students came prepared with written questions to ask, and the Preps enjoyed the challenge of retelling the story.
The photos below show the Learning Wall the students have been using to help them talk about the Beginning, Middle and End of the story. Mrs Pendergast and Mrs Racchi were very proud of how their students collaborated as they engaged in the tradition of sharing stories.
Kind regards,
Karen Burton, Support Teacher of Literacy, Numeracy and EAL/D learners.
3A and Prep Collaboration
Inclusion Support
Throughout the year our teachers have been working hard to create inclusive classroom environment for all our students. Our staff have been actively involved in professional development and training in order to broaden their knowledge and understandings of the diverse learners at Kilcoy State School.
For those who are not aware yet, the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) is an annual collection of information about Australian school students with disability. The information collected through the NCCD enables schools, education authorities and governments to better understand the needs of students with disability, and how they can be best supported at school.
This term we have been collecting and collating data and evidence in preparation for the NCCD cut off on August 4th. An email was sent in week one with NCCD information. If your child is to be counted in this data, you will hear from your child’s teacher. For more information in the meantime, please check the following website:
Kind regards,
Harriet McCarron, Inclusion Support Teacher
Sports News
Congratulations to all students who participated in the Cross Country Carnival. It was wonderful to hear all the encouragement and cheering from the crowds at both upper and lower school events. Well done to our age champions and Mackenzie House for winning overall. The following students placed in their event although missed the presentation:
Ally Jeppesen – 3rd in 9 years girls, Brody Whitley – 3rd in 11 years boys and William Robinson 2nd in 11 years Boys.
Congratulations to Brody and Will who were both selected in the district Rugby League Team. Both boys said they really enjoyed the whole experience. The school is very proud of their achievements.
Our Lap Challenge also took place in lead up to the Cross Country Carnival. Well done to all the students who got in and had a go. This year we are awarding a Lap Challenge Certificate and a $2 tuckshop voucher to those students who ran over 50 Laps. The following students were successful: Jasmyne Baker Calton, Charlee Stanton, Tia Webb, Faith Hanton and Ava Phillips.
Yours in Sport,
Jo Smith, Physical Education Teacher
Sporting Stars!
Parents & Citizens Association
We here at the P&C cannot believe it’s already nearly mid-term! What a whirlwind few weeks we’ve had.
Our Slime Run fundraiser was a smashing success which had us raising $10,054.44. Thank you to every single person that donated; these funds will be getting used to upgrade our Tuckshop facilities to make it even bigger and better than it already is. Student should have already brought home their chosen prizes but please note that there were a few on back order and as soon as they get delivered, we will be getting them to their owners.
- This week concluded our epic Mother’s Day raffle. The winners will be drawn on Friday the 12th. The winners will be notified via a phone call and then announced on our Facebook page so be sure to keep the phone handy! We also wrapped up the Mother’s Day stall where the students got to visit with their class and choose from a wide variety of gifts for their mums, grandmothers, or carers. We loved seeing all the items they picked and how excited they were.
The P&C Association would like to wish all the mums, grandmothers, and guardians a very happy Mother’s Day.
- Our Tuckshop Convenor, Miss Rachel, is doing a wonderful job with the tuckshop and is loving every minute she gets to create delicious meals for all the students. Her muffin and cookie treats are fast becoming favourites and a little birdy told us her pasta bolognaise is the best they have ever had! The slushie machine is back up and running so be sure to bring your $2 and see what flavours she has this time. The students are so excited to open again at second break and we are trying hard to make that happen so keep an eye on our Facebook page for the outcome of that decision. Please see the menu below for the most current edition; things may vary a little bit as Rachel tries new recipes and trials their popularity.
If you want to volunteer in the tuckshop, please go and see Rachel and she’ll give you all the info you need. Fridays are our busiest days, we only need a few hours of your time and if we can’t get help, we won’t be able to provide this fantastic service.
We are always looking for volunteers. If you have a couple of hours to spare for the tuckshop, generally just want to be involved or can help in anyway, please contact the P&C’s Facebook page or fill the form our and return to the office so we know best way you can be of assistance.
Our Facebook page is the best way to keep up with all the happenings in the tuckshop, uniform shop, and upcoming events that we have planned. If you haven’t already done so, please go give us a like, and keep an eye out for our posts.
Until next time, -KSS P&C Executive Members
Yarraman & District Progress Association 'Show and Shine' Day
The Yarraman & District Progress Association is staging a Show and Shine Day on Saturday the 17th of June, with trophies for cars, motorcycles, and pushbikes. There will also be a tattoo competition, swap meet, kids rides, market stalls, and a rock and roll display. Food and drinks (including a bar) will be available on the ground.
Entry fee for the general public will be only $2, and $10 for each display car or motorbike. Entry fee for the pushbike competition (two divisions – 6 to 12 year old, and 12 to 18 year old) will be a gold coin.
The event will be held on the Yarraman Horse Sports ground on the New England Highway just south of the Yarraman village.
Gates open at 8 am. Public entry from 10 am to 4 pm. Trophy presentations at 2-30 pm.
If you would like to be a part of the fun, please email to or phone Tracy 0401 577 111 or Greg 0418 872 142, or just turn up on the day. Pre-registration for cars and bikes is preferred.
Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. If you have any suggestions for content, please forward them to