School Newsletter 2023, Term 3, Week 8
Acknowledgment of Country
Kilcoy State School Vision & Values
Principal's News: Belinda Nash
Deputy Principal's News: Lisa Webster
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
Inclusion Support
Book Week
National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
P&C Association
Australian Government Mobile Service Centre
Acknowledgment of Country
This newsletter comes to you from Jinibara Land. In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples today. We are thankful to be able to work, learn and play on Jinibara land.
Kilcoy State School Vision & Values
Our school vision:
"We believe that all members of the Kilcoy State School community have the right to work, learn and play in a safe and inclusive environment."
Our STAR values are:
SAFETY - Taking Responsibility - Active Learning - Respect
Principal's News: Belinda Nash
Dear Parents and Carers
Open Classroom Learning Celebrations are on again in Wk9! Parents and Carers are invited to attend their child's class on Thursday 7/9/23 from 2.10pm to 3pm, to visit and view the work that students have been hard at work completing this term. This is also a great opportunity to open up conversations with your child about their learning and progress. Strong connections between school and home are important to develop and help your child see themselves as learners.
2024 Prep Enrolments: Thank you to the parents who have already returned their enrolment forms for their child starting Prep in 2024. Having our Prep enrolments finalised as early as possible helps us to get to know your child, and maximises our opportunities to support them effectively from Day 1. If you have not collected or returned an enrolment pack yet, please call the school office on 53 22 3333 to organise a pack and book an enrolment interview. All enrolments require an interview and we currently have two interview days set aside (Tue 5/9 and 12/9).
High school transitions: Our Prep students are not the only ones transitioning to new learning spaces! Out Year 6 students have already started this process with Kilcoy State High School and have a full day booked on 11/9/23. Our Year 5 Students have an upcoming Leadership day on Monday as well. These events help to reassure students about changes, and set them up for success!
Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum: In Week 10, Mrs Webster, Mrs Burton and myself will be attending a masterclass professional learning session, focussed on the implementation of Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum in Queensland schools. We are committed to ensuring that Kilcoy State School students have access to the highest quality curriculum, supported by evidence based research.
Attendance: Our current attendance rate is 89.5% however our goal is 95%.
If your child will be absent, please make sure you call the absence line on (07) 5422 3366 to let us know why they are away so that it can be recorded accurately.
Community engagement & collaboration:
The next P&C Meeting will be held on Wednesday 13/9/23 at 3.30pm in the Resource Centre. Please join us, even if it is your first time ever! We would love to meet some new members and have more parents sharing the load that all students benefit from.
Valley Champs Netball and Football Gala Day will be held on Wednesday 13/9/23, in Woodford. Thank you to our parents and carers for adhering to the date requirements for payments and forms. These are necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable day is had by all.
Year 6 Graduation: We have invited all parents and carers of Year 6 students to join us in organising the 2023 Year 6 Graduation event. We hope that this intentional collaboration leads to the event reflecting the hopes and dreams of this cohort of students. Please join us on Monday afternoon of Wk10 at 3.15pm in the Year 6 classrooms. Please RSVP to if you haven't already.
Our final parade for the term will be held in Week 10, on Thursday 14/9/23 at 2.20pm.
In Week 1 of Term 4, we will hold a parent information session about the Year 5/6 Noosa North Shore camp the following week. This will address any last questions for parents.
Kind regards, Mrs Nash.
Deputy Principal's News: Lisa Webster
Our children are the leaders of our future. We live in a world full of opportunities and challenges. Our job is to nurture and challenge students in order to empower them. By empowering our children, they will grow up to be resilient, confident and compassionate leaders of tomorrow. How can we do that?
Encourage Curiosity: Foster a love for learning by encouraging questions and exploration. Let them know that curiosity is a superpower that fuels knowledge. Promote Decision-Making: Allow children to make age-appropriate choices. This cultivates a sense of responsibility and independence. Build Confidence: Praise their efforts, not just their successes. Confidence grows when children believe in their abilities. It is often thought that students have confidence when they are good at something. But confidence is taught by praising effort.
Teach Problem-Solving: Guide them in finding solutions to challenges. This helps develop critical thinking skills and resilience. Embrace Creativity: Encourage creativity through art, music, and imaginative play. These outlets help children express themselves. Nurture Empathy: Teach the importance of kindness and understanding towards others. Empathy is a cornerstone of strong leadership.
Let's work together and see the amazing effort of Kilcoy State School students. At Kilcoy State School, we do our best!
Mrs Webster - Deputy Principal.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
This term, our focus has been on Active Learning. Our students have all had the opportunity to learn what this means, and what it looks like in action. This week, our focus is on using feedback to improve your learning. Please talk to your children about the feedback they get, and give, in class. Students should be able to tell you all about the Learning Wall in their classroom, how their teacher gives them feedback on what they are doing well, and what they need to work on next. This Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) concept is a direct link to improving the teaching and learning that happens in our school.
In Week 9, Kilcoy State School will host the principals from Mount Kilcoy State School, and Kilcoy State High School in a joint Learning Walk & Talk session. These schools use the same evidence based processes that we use, and our leadership teams are working collaboratively to improve our schools.
-The Kilcoy State School PBL Team
Inclusion Support
Throughout this term, a group of Year 3 students have been involved in a cooking program with the Inclusion Support Teacher. We have all been enjoying the features of the program.
Why cooking? Cooking is a great way to spend time with your children. It also encourages thinking, problem-solving, social skills and creativity. It provides an opportunity to transfer knowledge their into a valuable life skill, through counting, measuring, following a sequence, following directions and cause and effect.
The program so far has included 'three ingredient snacks' that the students could make independently at home. Various members of staff and students have been lucky enough to try these snacks. Our cooking group have also been practising and refining their cleaning routine. They know exactly what to do to leave in order to leave the kitchen ready for other people to use. I hope these skills are being applied at home! Please enjoy our photo gallery below.
Harriet McCarron, Inclusion Support Teacher
Writing out the recipe
Tim Tam balls
Apple Danish
Cheesy Bread
Pizza Scrolls
Cleaning up!
Book Week
The Book Week theme for 2023 was "Read, Grow, Inspire". It’s a time to celebrate books and Australian children's authors and illustrators. As part of the Book Week celebrations at Kilcoy State School, the students were treated to a 'Book Walk' to encourage kids to be active participants in shared reading. The Book Walk featured the book “The Bad Seed” written by Jory John and illustrated by Pete Oswald. The pages of the book were displayed on posts along the pathway and teachers walked through the text together with their students following the trail. Students were asked questions about what they saw to help them understand the story. They were also challenged to find words and details in the book and check them off on their literacy checklists. It was a great activity to inspire a lifetime love of reading.
Book Walk - The Bad Seed
Book Week Costume Parade
National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
On Friday August 18, Students and staff at Kilcoy State School recognized the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence by wearing anti bullying lanyards and bracelets. During break time, students came to the library and made their peers, teachers, friends and family colourful lanyards and bracelets to help spread the message of 'growing connections'. Older students worked with the younger students and the activity generated positive conversations about saying “NO to bullying!”
P&C Association
We had a super successful Father’s Day stall this week with many things selling out. Thank you so much for supporting the P and C and we would like to wish all the dads a Happy Father’s Day
Father’s Day has been extended due to technical difficulties with the website earlier in the week. Unfortunately, earlier this week, our Father's Day Raffle was interrupted by something out of our control and tickets were unable to be purchased. Due to this we have decided to extend our Father's Day raffle. We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and thank you for your patience!
New details: Father's Day Raffle
Closes: Thursday 7th September 2023, 9am
Drawn: Thursday 7th September 2023, Kilcoy State School, 1pm.
Did you see our Facebook poll? What are your thoughts about the tuckshop opening up an extra day? Send us a message with your thoughts or suggestions.
Our next P&C Meeting is this week, on Wednesday, September 13th, in the Resource Centre at 3.30pm. We hope to see you there!
Australian Government Mobile Service Centre
Australian Government Mobile Service Centres travel extensively throughout rural and regional Australia. A Mobile Service Centre will be visiting your area soon.
Staff from Services Australia travel with the Mobile Service Centres and can assist people with Centrelink and Medicare payments and services. Information about Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs and support services for veterans and their families is also available.
Our Mobile Service Centres have disabled access and customer Wi-Fi to assist in creating myGov accounts and accessing online services.
The attached factsheet includes further information about the services available. Please see pdf file below.
More information about the Australian Government Mobile Service Centre is available on our website:
Our visiting schedule will comply with best practice COVID protocols. We urge anyone who is feeling unwell not to visit our Mobile Service Centre while it is in town.
Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. If you have any suggestions for content, please forward them to