2024, T2W4, Kilcoy State School Newsletter
Acknowledgment of Country
This staff memo comes to you from Jinibara Land. In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples today. We are thankful to be able to work, learn and play on Jinibara land.
KSS Vision & Values
"We believe that all members of the Kilcoy State School community have the right to work, learn and play in a safe and inclusive environment."
Our STAR values are:
SAFETY - Taking Responsibility - Active Learning - Respect
Principal: Mrs Nash
Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to our P&C for running a great Mother's Day stall, allowing our students to celebrate the wonderful women in their lives, with a small gift. These are memory building activities that become cherished moments for our students, and hopefully their special ones!
Last week, we thanked Mrs Mabb for her service as she wrapped up her time at our school. We were sad to see her go, but wish her well in her future plans. We have been extrordinarily lucky to have Mrs Lockrey offer to take on the 3/4A class for the remainder of the year. Having worked at Kilcoy State School for many years, Mrs Lockrey is a very familar face for many of the 3/4 students, having taught them when they were in Prep!
Wednesday 15th May is BLUE Day! We ask that you send your child to school in blue clothes so we can raise awareness and generate conversation about our focus on Taking Responsibility - our Term 2 PBL focus.
Safety and school gates: From this week on, for the remainder of this term, the gates around the school will be locked at approximately 9.30am each day, and unlocked at 2.45pm. The Royston Street pedestrian gate will be unlocked all day and will be the only point of entry for all parents between those times. All students entering and exiting the school between those times must be signed out through the office, the which is closest to the Royston Street gate.
Arrival times: Unfortunately, many students are turning up very early to school, some arriving well before staff are rostered on duty. The preferred arrival time for students is 8.30am, not before. When students arrive from 8.15am, they are required to remain in the hall, sitting quietly/safely for quite a long time. If your child struggles to sit for longer periods of time, please drop them at school closer to 8.50am. No students are to enter the school grounds before 8.15am.
On Friday 17/5/24, Mrs Karen Burton and I will attend a Year 3-6 Reading Masterclass, offered by Education Queensland. This learning will assist us to support teachers to plan for the consistent and effective practices associated with upper school reading. This work is aligned with the goals of our 2024 Annual Improvement Plan.
Please join us in Week 6 on Tursday 23/5 for a Junior Parade, while our Year 3-6 students attend the NRL Gala Day at Hopetoun Ovals.
From 20/5/24 to 22/5/24, we will be participating in the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC). The AEDC is Australia’s only national census of children in their early years provides a map of developmental outcomes. The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) is a population based measure of how children have developed by the time they start school. It looks at five areas of early childhood development: physical health and wellbeing, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognitive skills (school-based), and communication skills and general knowledge.
The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) provides people with a common ground to work together to build and strengthen their community and help shape the future and wellbeing of Australian children. The results provide a snapshot of how children are developing in our community. By exploring the AEDC results, our community can work together to find out more about what works well in our area and what can be improved. This way, our community will be able to provide better support for local children and their families.
Spotlight on Attendance - Current Rate: 90.6%
If your child will be absent, please make sure you call the absence line on (07) 5422 3366 to let us know why they are away so that it can be recorded accurately.
Our goal is for every child to be in attendance, every day.
Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing Survey
In Term 2, students at our school in Years 5 & 6 took part in the Queensland Engagement and Wellbeing (QEW) Survey. We know that wellbeing and engagement are important parts of your child’s life at school. The QEW Survey is designed to measure how students view their wellbeing and engagement across different topics. The information we get from the survey helps us better understand and support our students.
The information gained from this anonymous survey assist us to make data based decisions for our school, aided by feedback from our students. More information, including FAQs, can be found on the Education website: (https://qed.qld.gov.au/publications/reports/statistics/schooling/students/queensland-engagement-wellbeing-survey).
Kind regards, Belinda Nash.
Deputy Principal: Mrs Webster
It's time to play! Most of us have heard about the benefits of play. Children learn to think creatively and interact socially. Through play, children develop emotionally, physically and emotionally. This can only support their cognitive development. At Kilcoy State School, we have many lunch time activities on offer for students to support them engaging in play. The Resource Centre has a new wooden train track and doll house. I managed to join other eager students playing with the train track at lunch break this week. 'Look at my house!....Let's build a ramp!.....Do you like the forest?...I am going to build a zoo for the dinosaurs,' were some of the elated remarks from the students. Learning through play is taken seriously and we love to see the students having fun, learning to compromise and being creative.
Warm regards, Lisa Webster.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
STLaN Update: Mrs Burton
This term Preps have been exploring Enjoying and Retelling Stories.
One text the students have been reading with their teachers and peers is ‘The Recess Queen’ by Alexis O’Neill. Set in the playground, it is a story about the power of kindness and friendship. The students are encouraged to talk about what happened in the narrative, explain their likes and dislikes and reflect upon events in the story that link to their own experiences. Prep A have been drawing and describing the main character in the story, Mean Jean. They came to the library this week to find their work displayed on the Tree of Acknowledgement. Please come to the library to see for yourself.
Sports Recap
‘Read with Me’ - Kilcoy State School Parent Volunteer Reading Program
We Need YOU!! Make a difference in your local community by supporting children’s reading.
A very big thank you to all the parents in Term 1 that gave up a little of their precious time to read with students in Years one and two. This term we are inviting parents of our Prep students join our group too. Parents and carers are a valuable resource and students benefit immensely from the reading support given through listening to them read aloud and talking about stories.
If you are interested in joining our ‘Read with Me’ Program please contact Karen Burton (STLaN) Telephone: 5422 3333, contact your child’s teacher, or pop in and see me in the Resource Centre. Hope to hear from you soon.
National Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)
I cannot believe it is National Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) time again! The NCCD is a national initiative used in schools to gather data on students with disabilities and ensure that their educational needs are met equitably across the nation.
One of the key outcomes of the NCCD is the identification of students who require additional support due to disability- whether it be diagnosed or imputed. This process involves assessment and collaboration between educators, parents, and relevant specialists to determine the specific adjustments and accommodations needed to facilitate each student's learning experience. By analyzing trends and patterns, we can refine our support services, implement targeted interventions, and allocate resources more effectively to ensure that no child is left behind. Through this approach, we strive to create an inclusive environment where every child feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.
-Mrs McVeigh
National Simultaneous Storytime
National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) will take place on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 12:00pm AEST. In 2023, NSS saw over 2 million kids reading on the day. For 2024, they’ve adjusted the time slightly with the goal of further supporting librarians, teachers, parents, and caregivers to get millions of kids in Australia, New Zealand, and around the world reading together.
“NSS throws an international spotlight on the important work that libraries do every day” said ALIA Acting CEO Trish Hepworth
“When we read together it helps language development, learning and literacy, all while building community. It’s also a lot of fun.”
Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. If you have any suggestions for content, please forward them to admin@kilcoyss.eq.edu.au