2024, T2W6, Kilcoy State School Newsletter
Acknowledgment of Country
This staff memo comes to you from Jinibara Land. In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay our respect to Elders past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples today. We are thankful to be able to work, learn and play on Jinibara land.
KSS Vision & Values
"We believe that all members of the Kilcoy State School community have the right to work, learn and play in a safe and inclusive environment."
Our STAR values are:
SAFETY - Taking Responsibility - Active Learning - Respect
Principal: Mrs Nash
Dear Parents and Carers
Health check: How is your family coping? Recently, we have seen quite a large number of students and staff become ill with cold and/or flu symptoms. If your child has a runny nose or a temperature, is coughing or generally feels unwell, please keep them home to recover until their symptoms have eased off. This is better for their health and helps to protect other students and our staff. The small amount of learning lost is manageable in these situations and we must be collectively responsible for maintaining a healthy community. We have several people in our school community who are immunocompromised (they have a weakened immune system are very susceptible to illness/colds/flu viruses). You can show your support by keeping your child home when they are unwell.
In Week 5, our whole school came together to celebrate our Term 2 Positive Behaviour for Learning focus on "Taking Responsibility". We all dressed in blue to raise awareness of this important aspect of school life, and social responsibility.
Recently, we have had to send home messages and speak to our students about arriving too early at school. There are some children arriving before 8.15am and this is not acceptable due to the safety risks involved in children being unsupervised. Students are not allowed to enter the school site before 8.15am. Ideally, students will arrive between 8.30am and 8.40am. School officially starts at 8.50am. In case these messages are not being received, the office will now contact parents if their children are arriving before 8.15am.
Next week, our amazing P&C are holding a Disco on Friday 31st May in the school hall. The Prep to Yr2 Disco is from 4.30pm to 5.30pm and the Senior Disco (Yr3-6) is from 6pm to 7pm. The P&C have hired DJ Candi to make the event super exciting for the kids. We hope too see all our students there, dressed in BLUE - the theme chosen by our Student Representative Council this term.
Our recent NRL Gala day was a great success for all our Yr3-6 students. Held at Hopetoun Ovals on Thursday last week, it was exciting to see our students all participating in these games. Thank you to Mrs Smith for organising our participation, and to Mr Wade for making sure we were set up to be Sun Safe under our shade tents. Thank you also to the Mt Kilcoy SS P&C for running a sausage sizzle - by all accounts they were delicious! We are so lucky to have amazing teachers who supported all our kids, all day. Photos are below.
Spotlight on Attendance: Current Attendance Rate: 90.1%
If your child will be absent, please make sure you call the absence line on (07) 5422 3366 to let us know why they are away so that it can be recorded accurately.
Our goal is for every child to be in attendance, every day.
Toast Club: Did you know that Coff and Co, our local Kilcoy Bakery supplies our school with FREE bread to provide our students with toast each Wednesday morning? We are genuinely thankful and filled with gratitude for their ongoing generosity. They have donated this to our school for a number of years now and we believe it's important that you know of local businesses who go out of their way to help our students. They also make the most amazing pies and I'm a personal fan of the macadamia caramel slice - it is to-die-for!
Kind regards, Belinda Nash.
We're getting ready for Prep in 2025!
On Tuesday the 4/6/24 from 9.45am - 10.45am, we are inviting all 2025 Prep Parents and their 2025 Prep kids to attend our Explore Prep session. This session will be hosted by our awesome Prep Staff and is a great opportunity for you to start familiarising your child with the school, prior to starting next year. This is the first of three sessions and you are welcome and encouraged to attend all of them.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
P&C Association
Happy Week 6 Families!
This term is flying by fast and the P&C still have so many things happening in the second half.
Thank you to all families that purchased from the Coff and Co Pie Drive. By stocking up on this winter warmer, you’re not only supporting our P&C, you’re also supporting our local bakery.
The disco is next Friday, 31 May. We can’t wait to see everyone in their blue attire. Please see the poster below for more details and give the office a call if you can volunteer your time. Tickets for this event can be purchased only on QKR and are on sale up until 3pm on the Friday.
We also have our first Fun Day Food Day of the year! Orders for those meal deals are open and can be ordered via QKR. Please see more detail in the poster below.
Did you know, that Miss Rachel in the tuckshop, has made a fresh batch of butter chicken! Get in quick, available to order over the counter or on QKR, Wednesday, Thursdays or Friday
The next P&C meeting is 5 June, all are welcome and we hope to see you there!
-The P&C Team
Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. If you have any suggestions for content, please forward them to admin@kilcoyss.eq.edu.au